Email Whitelist
Ensure You Are Receiving Critical Emails from Reliance Standard
A "whitelist" is a list of email addresses or domain names from which an email blocking program will allow messages to be received. Email blocking programs, also called "spam filters", are intended to prevent most unsolicited email messages (spam) from appearing in your Inbox.
Some spam filters delete suspected junk email messages immediately while others will allow you to place them in a quarantined version of your Inbox. Typically these special quarantine areas are named "Junk" or "Bulk" mail folders. Periodically, these quarantined messages are observed to see if any of them are legitimate messages.
To ensure that important emails sent by Reliance Standard are not filtered into your "Junk" or "Bulk" folders, please be proactive and add the appropriate Reliance Standard email addresses (identified below) to your list of trusted senders or to your address book in order to prevent disruption of your delivery.
Customer Service: [email protected] Enrollment Service: [email protected] Billing Service: [email protected] SmartChoice Service: [email protected] Annuity Marketing: [email protected] Dental-Vision eServices: [email protected]