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Dental Insurance

Many of us ignore those little aches and annoyances with our teeth and gums because we don’t think it’s a big deal or “just don’t have the time.” Unfortunately, ignoring that small pain could lead to real, and serious, problems down the road. They can be warning signs and should not be ignored.

Dental and vision insurance can be important additions to your family’s overall health. That’s why we design plans that are flexible, easy to use and leverage one of the largest national provider networks around.

“I don’t need it.”

Many people often forego opting for dental and/or vision insurance thinking maybe they can save a few bucks since they don’t use it much. Even those that are adamant about getting an annual check-up with their primary doctor may not be as diligent about their oral health or eyesight. However, not maintaining your oral health or having your vision checked can lead to other problems. In fact, problems with your teeth/gums or eyesight are often signals there may be other health issues present. Visiting a dentist at least once a year is a good preventive measure and a great health habit. And going to see an eye doctor regularly instead of only when there is a problem could end up saving you time, money and unnecessary anxiety.

“I don’t want to switch dentists.”

Most of our dental plans are preferred provider organization or PPO plans. A PPO delivers both choice and value, since you can see any dental provider you choose – but your benefits will go farther if you select an in-network provider. And since we have access to one of the largest provider networks in the US, it’s likely your current dentist is already on board.

“I need to save for orthodontia.”

Many of our plans feature Maximum Rewards, a feature that allows you to carry over a portion of your dental benefits from year to year – providing you invest your time and benefits on preventive care and regular checkups! This can go far to help pay for braces and other major dental treatments that exceed your annual benefit maximum.

“I don’t want to worry about keeping track of another bill.”

Fortunately, if your employer requires a contribution to your family dental coverage, you are able to pay for coverage at affordable group rates through convenient payroll deduction. That way, your coverage is there whenever you need it, without a big out-of-pocket cost to access it.