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Workforce Productivity Solutions for the Modern Workplace

Tools and services to help manage your workforce.

Our suite of workforce management solutions was created to put you in control of your absence and employee benefit programs so that you can be confident — and compliant.

Your workforce, at-a-glance

Absence Radar™ is our answer to provide you with the insights you need to manage workforce absence.

The software designed to provide you, and your workforce, analysis on all the past, present and future absences scheduled, customized to your preferences.

Absence Radar™ was awarded a United States Patent in September 2021 thanks to continuous feedback from our Client Advisory Board.

Calendar view of team absence

The real-time view with easy access to our designated specialists empowers HR departments to effectively manage workforce absence.

Business Critical Features Include:

  • Interactive view, updated every 15 minutes
  • 6-month look-back and 6-month look-forward
  • Fully customizable to address roles and access.
  • View your organizational absence and who is returning to work.
  • Easily access details like work restrictions and/or limitations
  • Drill down by day, location, supervisor, or other custom options.

Real-time Supervisor Notifications deliver:

  • Consolidated – up-to-date view of all absences on a manager’s team.
  • Simple – excludes jargon that might require a degree in employment law
  • Relevant – sent only when a new absence or change in status occurs
  • Flexible – ability to expand or limit access in a variety of ways
  • Supportive – training for managers included in every notification

Absence notifications

No technology tool is better suited to empower line managers to keep their areas productive and effective.